On-Demand Yoga Class Video Rentals

1-Hour Yoga Classes: levels I-II

1-Hour Yoga Classes: levels I-II

1-Hour Yoga Classes designed for those with busy schedules who want to keep their practice strong and tweaked. They also serve as a teaching guide for teachers of Level I–II classes.

Yoga Class videos are offered through Vimeo.

I-hour classes are  $7 to rent for 72 hours.

2-Hour Yoga Classes: levels II-IV

2-Hour Yoga Classes: levels II-IV

2-Hour Yoga Classes: designed for a more comprehensive practice. Each class will have a yoga philosophy theme, and we will cycle through the different categories of asana each month, including: standing poses, forward bends, back bends and restorative/pranayama. Twists and balancing poses will be included as appropriate, and inversions will be included in every class.

Yoga Class videos are offered through Vimeo.

2-Hour classes are $10 to rent for 72 hours.